Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Frustration. ARGGHHH!!!!

Scream. Gah. Well, today is another day of extreme thinking...I can barely remember all the things I did anyways...uh....what was I going to say again? Crud. No way. Gah...ARGHHH!!! Sorry...using this post to vent myself out from all the frustrations in this world. Homework! Oh no! GAH. Crap. Oh my projects and assignments! My requests and duties on the internet! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn. Talk about self-pity! I wish I had amnesia for pete's sake...No no no no no. That isn't a good way to think. Let's see...organize time...organize time....Oh dear Lord, please help me with this. Geh.

-End rant.

It rained at school rained in my heart today...

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