Friday, October 17, 2008

Either stay, or turn over.

Well. My sleeping time was extremely messed up these several months, and without me realizing I completely flipped my sleeping time over. The cycle goes! School-home-sleep-wake up past 12 am-do homework and etc.-sleep-school. Over and over again! Hnnn...Har har har. Lasted a week it did, also including the fact that I didn't eat anything else but breakfast those days! Except on Thursday where I ate an extra Jco donut and today, which I just broke the fast and gobbled my lunch! Har har har, wheee~ But now, well...I'm back and I'm not sleepy in class anymore (well sometimes)!! Just made mem remember when I was talking to my mom once I got back home, "You either turn back and fix it, or completely flip over to get back." Ahaha. Nothing I say is accurate enough though, I used hand gestures and all that. Anyways, back to the point! Well, that's the moral for today and sayonara till then!

Sun in the night and moon in the sky of day.

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